n interpretive designer is not just someone who designs some of the tools of interpretation (walks and talks, maps and guides, audio-visuals and exhibits, trails and demonstrations), but someone who focuses on the visitors’ overall “dance of experience” with a place, incorporating such interpretive tools where needed.

In this way, an interpretive designer works with the staff of a public jewel to develop an overall experiential plan for its visitors that serves the mission of the place, then acts as the coordinator and catalyst for the work of other design professionals: structures, landscapes, visuals, exhibits, etc. The Interpretive Design Network (IDN) is a collaborative network of interpretive designers, plus those interested in pursuing interpretive design. Our goal is to foster the profession of interpretive design by sharing ideas and insights for crafting interpretive plans based upon the fifteen steps in the dance of experience. If you would like to join us, please complete the invitation and application referenced below.
Interpreters are “matchmakers”, helping places seduce visitors.