Choosing a Course: Education
Earth Education is the process of helping people live more harmoniously and joyously with the natural world. Our programs motivate learners in understanding basic ecological processes, developing positive feelings about the natural world, and using their new understandings and feelings to begin making changes in their own environmental habits.
If you recognize that we need a more structured educational response to our environmental problems, believe in providing direct contact with the natural world through adventuresome learning experiences, and want to assist people in developing a deeper personal relationship with their home planet, then this workshop was designed with you in mind. Workshop participants receive:
- An overview of the history and methodology of earth education
- An explanation of how environmental education went “astray”
- Exposure to dynamic techniques which captivate learners
- An introduction to concept-building and -structuring
- A step-by-step description of a model earth education program
- Participation in both the understanding and feeling components of earth education programs
For over 40 years this workshop has received outstanding reviews from participants in countries around the world. If you have not experienced this introduction to the earth education alternative to agency- and industry-sponsored supplemental environmental education, then you owe it to yourself to do so. Even more important, the planet needs you to do so on behalf of all its passengers.
Choosing a Course: Education
This workshop is for those who have participated in our introductory workshop, “Earth Education… A New Beginning,” and want to go further in developing their leadership skills. Earth educators use different tools than many outdoor leaders, and to become fully effective in using those tools requires something like a paradigm shift for many. It’s all about letting go of some traditional nature education habits, and forming new ones. Earth education programs pull the learners, not push them, and this workshop aims to pull you into thinking about your own leadership style. The workshop is chock-full of practical insights into the process of good learning and leading — insights gleaned from over the half-century our trainers have been working with people in natural settings. Come prepared to hear some of the icons of Victorian nature study challenged, and leave with some time-tested and proven ways to replace them. Someone said we are like the irritant that causes the oyster to produce a pearl. If so, we hope our forthrightness will not offend anyone, but lead to more pearls for helping people live more joyously and harmoniously with the planet Earth. During the workshop participants’ gain:
- A closer look at the Whys, Whats, and Ways “pyramid” of earth education
- An analysis of the leadership techniques employed in conducting an Earthwalk
- A first-hand introduction to Immersing Experiences
- An examination of the toolkit that earth educators use daily
- An update of the institute’s programs and materials
- A sharpening of the differences between earth education and environmental education