(our staff)

s a small band of professional earth educators, interpretive designers, and environmental thinkers, our volunteer Associates share a love for this incredible oasis in the vastness of the universe, and want to help people of all ages develop a more harmonious and joyous relationship with it. They come together at our “gathering tree” on behalf of this mission, but each of them pursues a personal quest into the heart of nature as well.

Basically, Associates are individuals who actively “represent” our work and facilitate its growth, whether it is in the area of education, interpretation, or contemplation. They are committed to introducing others to what we do and helping them do it, too. (Associates have applied to and been accepted by the organization’s directors for their vital role.) Serving as an Associate represents a serious volunteer commitment. Each one takes on a specific role within the organization. Living within in our means ecologically, while serving “Mother Earth” selflessly, and championing the rights of the other life forms that share the planet with us, represents a continuing challenge for each Associate. We fall short in our quest at every turn, and sometimes we falter, but our determination is strong. There is no life without nature, and little joy without its abundance.
If you are interested in joining our band of Earth Champions and Servants, please contact one of our fellow Associates listed here.