(our partners)

Some Affiliates are organizations that handle the sale of the institute’s materials or represent it in other ways in a country or region. A few are Affiliate Branches of our organizational tree, coordinated by Associates in an area who form a legal base for representing the institute’s work in their part of the world.
Other Affiliates are former Associates of the institute who are no longer able to actively represent or facilitate its work as a volunteer staff member, but still support what it does. And some individuals and organizations have been introduced to what we do in earth education, interpretive design, or contemplative experience and want to stay in touch and support us with a membership.
Since we are not a broad-based membership organization, and operate without government support, foundation grants, or corporate sponsors, we cannot offer our members the services of a large organization. They rely on our Annual Report to keep abreast of what we are doing.
There are four levels of Affiliate members:
Personal – individuals who support this work outside their career
Professional – individuals who use this work in their regular job
Organizational – groups who want to maintain a collective connection with this work
Structural – groups or individuals who support the underlying foundation this work is built upon
The Affiliates in our directory represent a range of institute support services. We have noted those areas where they feel they can offer the most assistance.