Invitation and Application
Dr. Lars Wohlers
IDN Executive Secretary
Boehmsholzer Weg 22a 21394 Heiligenthal-Suedergellersen
Tel. 0049-(0)4135-3179948 Fax 0049-(0)4135-3179000
Hello and Welcome to the Interpretive Design Network,
Thank you very much for your interest in interpretive design. Please keep in mind that you need to be an Affiliate or Associate member of The Institute for Earth Education in order to become a member of IDN. To best serve your interest in our common work and to check options for you to become involved, we would kindly ask you to briefly answer the questions below:
Thank you very much for your time. We will use this information to let others in the network know of your interest and invite them to share with you what they are doing. Please forward this registration to me at the above address.